How to Organize Your Garage

What sight are you greeted with when you open your garage door? Do you see a clean and organized space welcoming you home? Or an eyesore of overflowing clutter? If you’re like most people, the garage probably isn’t your proudest spot.

When you moved in, chances are you had big plans for this space. But it’s too easy for a garage to become the dumping grounds for tools, outdoor gear, boxes, or other bulky items. Reclaiming your space can seem like a huge investment, but it’s not such an uphill battle if you make the right plan.

Envision the organized garage and determine storage needs

Maybe you dream of turning your garage into a mini home gym or just want to be able to find things without tripping over boxes. Whatever your goals are for the space, it all starts with identifying the possibilities (and limitations) of the area.

Make a rough sketch or outline of where the ideal storage racks, cabinets, hooks, etc. would go. Consider all potential spots from walls to ceiling. Make a quick list of the bulkiest items you would like to get off the floor as a guide for what you need to prioritize.

Take measurements of the entire garage including:

  • Walls and ceiling areas where you can potentially add storage
  • Anything to avoid blocking, such as windows, doors, light switches, outlets, trash/recycling receptacles, etc.
  • Room to leave for cars, motorcycles, lawn mower, or other bulky objects

Choose an organization system

Once you have an idea of how much stuff and space you’re working with, you can start to figure out what types of storage solutions will be best for your needs. You might realize that just some cabinets and bins will suffice, or maybe your family requires a full wall and ceiling of storage.

... There are tons of unique ways to solve your family’s storage headaches.

The options for organization solutions include shelves, cabinets, bins, containers, hooks, magnets, recreational racks, unified wall storage systems, and pre-designed organization systems. Depending on your storage needs, you might opt for a combination of these choices. For larger organization support, consider slat wall systems, track systems, and pegboard systems.

A popular solution is a unified wall storage system, which consists of a back panel that you can easily install cabinets, shelves, bins, racks, hooks, and magnets on. Unified wall storage systems are great options because they’re customizable, so you can add to them or change anything over time.

... Flow Wall’s unified wall storage systems can support any size storage needs.

Clean and de-clutter the space

After you’ve picked a storage solution, it’s time to get the garage ready. Set aside a full day or weekend to go through everything and thoroughly clean out the area. Make it a family project or invite some friends over to turn this chore into a little party! Pizza, music, and brews also make it less painful.

Sort everything into four piles: keep, sell, donate, or trash/recycle. If you’re crafty, make a fifth pile for items to repurpose around your house or garden!

... Cleaning out the garage doesn’t have to feel like a chore – get the family involved!

Sort the “keep” pile into different categories for storage: tools, gardening, recreation, power equipment, food/beverages, pet supplies, home décor, you name it! Having everything organized will make it easy to put away.

Depending on the amount of yard tools and other machinery you have, one option is to keep these bulky items in a portable shelter or storage unit rather than the garage. Adding an outdoor shelter is a great way to free up even more space inside for items you use more regularly.

Install the new organization systems

Setting up your “new” garage is when the real fun starts! The time and tools needed for this will depend on the products you’re adding, so be sure you have a clear understanding of any wall supports or other alterations needed before installing the storage units.

Organize the garage

Put everything in its new home. Before you know it, you’ll want to show off your clean and clutter-free garage to the whole neighborhood!

Create Your Own Organization System

Country Home Products is proud to offer a full array of storage and organizing solutions for your garage or shop. Get started on reclaiming your space today!